Kodiak Swivel Head + Sliding Arm Assembly
The Kodiak Swivel Head Assembly holds the woodturning gouge to be sharpened. The tool is inserted under the hold down knob and referenced using the "saddle" on the right side of the Sliding Arm Assembly. Butt the clamp on the Swivel Head Assembly against the front of the "saddle" and push the tool through until it touches the nylon stop at the end of the "saddle". Total set back for the tool through the clamp is 2.25 inches. Next insert the post of the Swivel Head Assembly into the bronze bushing on the Sliding Arm Assembly. Now set the head of the Swivel Head Assembly in the "A" or "B" position as referenced on the set up chart.
The Kodiak Sliding Arm Assembly is the unit which slides into the Locking Base Assemblies. (left or right). The settings for this is referenced in the supplied set up chart depending on the grind desired. The 3 notches on this assembly are numbered 1, 2. and 3 and correlate to the numbers on the set-up chart. Make sure when setting this up the small "guillotine" that swings on a bracket mounted on the left or right Locking Base is centered in the notch and then lock the Locking Base.