Axminster Woodturning Lathe Mounted Polishing Mop Arbor - 2MT
This accessory, turns your lathe into a polishing machine, pen turners find it especially useful for final finishing of acrylics and resins. A mop of your choice simply screws onto the tapered thread, when the lathe is switched on the mop 'climbs' up the taper, locking itself in place. These arbors make changing mops for different compounds quick and simple. A small hollow recess is provided at the tip so that the tailstock can be brought up to keep the arbor securely in place. The mop can be loaded with the appropriate polishing compound for putting that final gloss finish on your work. Be sure to remove the tool rest before doing any polishing work. Details of suitable polishing mops and compounds can be found in the Sharpening, Grinding and Polishing section. The arbors are available with either 1 or 2 Morse taper.
Key Features
- Turn your lathe into a polishing machine
- Mop self-locks onto tapered thread
- Small hollow in tip for tailstock support