Hold Fast 3-1/2 Inch Spindle Extender
Hold Fast Spindle Extenders are an essential tool for woodturners who want to turn deep bowls without the risk of hitting the lathe. These extenders feature a 7/16" hole through the center that allows vacuum to go through, making it possible to use them with non-vacuum chuck heads.
With flats on the extenders, they can be easily removed with a wrench if necessary. Additionally, each extender includes two No Lock Spindle Washers, providing added convenience and value.
Choose between the 1" x 8 Spindle Extender or the 33mm Spindle Extender to fit your lathe and take your woodworking to the next level. Don't let the depth of your bowls hold you back – with Hold Fast Spindle Extenders, you can turn deeper and more intricate pieces with ease and confidence.